Staycations, A Chance to Discover Your Own Backyard

Ritesh Raj
3 min readJun 19, 2020

Despite all new circumstances and events that accompany the current pandemic, travel is still very much on our minds. It’s summer, a time that we would have spent packing our bags and heading off to a trip we have had planned for months. Unfortunately, that has had to take a back seat. While our enthusiasm for international travel at this time still lingers waiting to make a revival, we must save that for a later date.

However, this time also gives us the perfect opportunity to experience a different type of travel. Staycations. The concept of staycations was first introduced in 2008 as a way to encourage people to travel near their homes.

With the international economy at a low at that time, many people were forced to put their big travel plans to the side. That void was then filled with the idea of staying at a hotel in your own city. It also allowed people to enjoy a trip on a smaller budget.

Staycations, promoting local discovery and domestic travel

Quickly the allure of taking a vacation where you live became very attractive and allowed people to see that they did not need to travel far to embrace a sense of adventure, relaxation, and new experiences. Due to cost-effectiveness and sustainability, staycations became synonymous with slow tourism and domestic travel. Without stressful overcrowded touristic spots, staycations represented finding hidden gems in your own backyard.

It has allowed travelers who are usually anxious to hop on the next flight to any location, to slow down, enjoy their own scenery, and remember why they wanted to travel in the first place. Domestic travel encourages travelers to take their time, discover nearby landscapes, reconnect with nature, history, and the culture of their own city, state, and country.

Staycations: a safe sutainable travel trend

Due to many factors including COVID-19, staycations have become the top preference for summer 2020 travel. According to Pinterest, ecological, budget-friendly accommodations have shown a rise in the platform’s search by 38% compared to this same time last year.

And since safety and hygiene is a top of mind concern for many travelers right now, it is logical that families and individuals feel more comfortable choosing staycations and getaways within their own regions opposed to international or long-distance travel. The familiarity of the location, the privacy of the accommodation, and access to their own health services are encouraging people to explore within their homelands. Not to mention you also save time and money.

International and long-distance travel will be revived one-day soon and we will continue to explore new foreign destinations, but until then we will whole-heartedly embrace staycation culture. Sometimes the best trip can happen much nearer than we think.



Ritesh Raj

Co-Founder and COO of @CuddlyNest Booking Platform. Travel tech enthusiast. Visited 100+ countries.